Those who obtain a degree in Law will have lots of opportunities upon Graduation. The Law degree is a well rounded and respected qualification which does not only help you become a qualified lawyer but provide you with opportunities to work in a number of areas. Law Graduates should be sure to use an agency to find the right legal job.
Below are 3 careers, the first obvious and the other two less so to show the broad spectrum of jobs available to Law Graduates.
Starting Salary Upon Qualification: £25,000+
5 years of experience working privately: £50,000 – £200,000
One of the most obvious roles available to those educated in the field of Law is to become a Barrister. As the most high profile kind of lawyers Barristers will appear in court, arguing cases and defending their clients. The job requires a strong attention to detail since Barristers must prepare how will they present their client’s case and deliver it carefully with confidence and authority.
Solicitors are the ones who usually hire Barristers to represent court cases but is common for clients both individuals and organizations to directly seek out well established and experienced Barristers who they would like to represent them in court. Many barristers work on a self-employed basis while others directly represent law firms, governments & agencies.
Tax Advisor
Starting Salary Upon Qualification: £26,000 – 36,000
Senior Management Positions: £95,000+
Those interested in numbers and finance will likely make good candidates to become Tax Advisers. Those with experience in studying law will likely have developed the people skills which will come in handy in a job consulting with and advising clients. Graduates who have completed Financial Law modules will likely already have a decent knowledge of taxation law and will be in a good position to qualify as chartered tax advisers as the cross over into this field is not so vast.
Upon qualification tax, advisers will advise clients how they can use legal tax-efficient strategies to ensure their clients have the knowledge to make the right decisions. There will be those who focus on assisting individuals on a personal level as well as corporate tax advisers who deal with companies.
Part-time Salary: £50,000
Full-time Salary Expectations:: £83,000-£104,000
The job of a coroner is of course not for the faint-hearted. You will be dealing with ‘the dead’ on a constant basis. However, the job is very important and can also be extremely rewarding financially for those who opt for this kind of career. Your job as a coroner would be to investigate the cause of death when it is unknown or suspicious. The tasks involved are varied with coroners required to consult medical professionals and conduct a post-mortem as part of their investigation.
While this is unlikely to be the career that most Law graduates picture when coming out of university it is actually quite a common career path for Barristers to move into. Those with a forensic law background will be the most suited to the job. What attracts most people into this line of work this is, of course, the salary. Unfortunately, death is something which is always going to occur making this an emotionally difficult yet very stable career.