There is a great difference between good and great leaders and if you are already a leader in some capacity then striving to become a great leader should be something that you are looking for. We cannot all be people like Dan Ludolph, these incredible people who were born with natural leadership abilities and who have become great leaders over time, the rest of us must work hard on improving this and for this who are looking to do exactly that, here are some inspirational quotes which some of the world’ s greatest leaders have said on the topic of leadership.
Kerri Potts, ESPN
“I’ve never bought into the concept of ‘wearing the mask.’ As a leader, the only way I know how to engender trust and buy-in from my team and with my colleagues is to be 100 percent authentically me—open, sometimes flawed, but always passionate about our work. It has allowed me the freedom to be fully present and consistent. They know what they’re getting at all times. No surprises.”
Joe Perez, Tastemade
“You must love what you do. In order to be truly successful at something, you must obsess over it and let it consume you. No matter how successful your business might become, you are never satisfied and constantly push to do something bigger, better and greater. You lead by example not because you feel like it’s what you should do, but because it is your way of life.”
Dwight Eisenhower
“Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it.”
George Orwell
“The leaders who offer blood, toil, tears and sweat always get more out of their followers than those who offer safety and a good time. When it comes to the pinch, human beings are heroic.”
Dan Bryan, WhipClip
“Patience is really courage that’s meant to test your commitment to your cause. The path to great things is always tough, but the best leaders understand when to abandon the cause and when to stay the course. If your vision is bold enough, there will be hundreds of reasons why it ‘can’t be done’ and plenty of doubters. A lot of things have to come together—external markets, competition, financing, consumer demand and always a little luck—to pull off something big.”
Jeremy Bloom, Integrate
“It’s true that imitation is one of the greatest forms of flattery, but not when it comes to leadership—and every great leader in my life, from Mike Tomlin to Olympic ski coach Scott Rawles, led from a place of authenticity. Learn from others, read autobiographies of your favorite leaders, pick up skills along the way… but never lose your authentic voice, opinions and, ultimately, how you make decisions.”
If you want to be a great leader then read these quotes, understand them and repeat them to yourself in order to inspire you to get what you are looking for.