If you own a website, you should know how important it is that it is properly optimized, as this is what will get traffic to your website. Search engine optimization (SEO) is the method by which that is achieved. Traditionally, an SEO agency would charge for their services up front. However, there have been numerous scams in this, whereby agencies promise the world but deliver nothing, which means pricing structures have changed. Today, it is more common to pay per result instead, which many see as delivering far greater value for money. This means that you only pay for the services once the website has actually made it to Google’s first page.
How and SEO Agency Chares Per Result
When you pay per result, it means that your SEO company will only receive money once they have been able to deliver on what they promised. This is very different from the traditional methods, whereby a full amount had to be paid up front, without any results guaranteed. This means that, overall, pay per result seems too be a really good deal. It also ensures that you know you can trust your SEO agency, since it is in their best interest to actually deliver results and therefore work a lot harder.
There are lots of benefits to choosing pay per result SEO services. One of those is that SEO experts will continuously check on how you are doing for as long as you continue your contact. This is because you continue to pay for as long as you stay on that first page of the search results. Of course, the price you pay will vary significantly, so you do have to do some research into what each of these agencies charges. Some only have a flat fee, whereas others pay for setup fees as well, which you usually only have to pay for a short period of time.
One of the downsides of using pay per result, however, is that you are likely to pay more overall than you would have with traditional SEO services. That being said, at least you are guaranteed results, which means you could see a return on investment. At the same time, there are also plenty of traditional SEO companies that do actually work had for you, which means you could see a greater return on investment. The problem is that it is hard to identify the genuine agencies.
Another drawback is that pay per result services often have yearly contracts associated with them. You do usually have to pay a monthly fee. While this is a small fee, often just a few dollars, you will have to pay it for the full year, even if you don’t see any results.
Experts agree that, overall, pay per result SEO is the most cost-effective way to perform your search engine optimization. That is because you do truly have a guarantee that, if you pay money, you do so for real results.