There is a great temptation when you get to college to completely disregard your health in favor of a good time. Whilst it is of course important that you have the best time possible during your time at college, it is important to remember your health in general because you could be causing damage that will affect you later in life. As much as there is the temptation to party a lot, there is also a great amount of fitness and health activities that you can take part in at college and here are some tips to stay on the straight and narrow.
Alcohol is truly the devil when it comes to your health, it is filled with sugar and empty calories that your body will not thank you for. Whilst for many it will be impossible to imagine college life without alcohol, it is important that you look after your health during your time in college and so balance should be observed. If you do have a party coming up or a particular event, try to avoid alcohol other than at the event and try to detox your body before and after.
Making Time For Exercise
It can be easy to find excuses as to why you cannot exercise and it is likely that college work will be the one that you use. Let’s be honest, there is always time to exercise and you only need to make 30 minutes in your day to get out for a run or a spot of yoga and you can feel instantly better about yourself. Think about the amount time that you spend watching TV series or YouTube videos and then ask yourself honestly if you do not have the time.
Convenience Food
The fattiest foods which we eat are usually convenience food and amongst disorganized students, this becomes a staple diet. In order to buck the trend you should be trying to prepare plenty of healthy food when you get some time and then for the rest of the week you can stay healthy and convenient. It amy seem like a pain to do this but if you plan right, you can eat well and do so at the drop of a hat.
Buddy Up
College is all about unions and friendships and if you want to start a health eating plan and stick to it then you should seek some friends who are after the same thing. When you get with friends to do something like this you can all hold each other accountable and ensure that you all stay on track. Doing something like this alone will be very difficult given the level of temptation that there is around you and you should try to work with your friends to get healthy together.